I love horses

Good evening my beautiful people. Did you have a nice weekend? I had a stressful one travelling from one country to an other. Do you like to ride horses? I love horses I think they are beautiful and kind animals ❤️ Have a happy Monday ❤️.

Mix and match

Mix and match. I was so lucky to find the bag, the skirt , the hat and the ballerinas matching. Ideal accessories for autumn/ winter

Photo with no filter

Good evening a photo with not filters you can see my imperfections. I tend not wearing foundation or powder every day only on very special occasions. My lipstick yes I love a bright one makes me feel alive ❤️ happy Monday ❤️💙.

Beautiful cathedral

Good evening my beautiful people is still dark, but I’m hungry so went buying some sweet treats for breakfast 😻, after all is December a month to eat treats. Isn’t beautiful the architecture of this cathedral? Around this area is the main market.