The pulldown exercise

 A strength training
 exercise designed to develop the latissimus dorsi muscle. It performs the functions of downward rotation and depression of the scapulae combined with adduction and extension of the shoulder joint.

The cable push-pull 

An weight workout among gym-goers looking to target several muscle groups at the same time. You'll want to be familiar with weight training before starting this intermediate level exercise, but once you get the hang of it the move is actually quite simple. The movement is a little like a boxing one-two punch: a horizontal push and a simultaneous horizontal pull. Pushing works your chest, triceps, quads, and deltoids, while pulling works your back, biceps, rear deltoids, trapezius, and forearms. Even your hamstrings get worked as they maintain stability.
The single-arm cable chest press   

An upper body strength exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Performing the exercise with a cable ensures resistance remains on the muscles throughout the entire range of motion. Performing the exercise on each arm separately allows both arms to work equally. Standing during the exercise allows for more total body muscle integration and increases the functional nature of the movement.
The high-cable standing row 

An exercise targeting the lats. The high position allows for more engagement of the upper back, as well, specifically the rhomboids and teres major.

 The pulldown exercise

Variations can include touching the bar to the chest (sternum) versus the back of the neck, or varying hand spacing (wide versus narrow) or orientation (pronated versus supinated). The exercise can also be done using cable machines, a handle attached to a cable is pulled toward the body, this can be done while seated on a bench or stability ball, kneeling, or in a standing or squatting position.   

 Standing Rear Leg Raise

Stand up tall holding onto the back of a sturdy object like a chair or resting your hands on a wall. Raise one leg, pressing it straight back behind you, and squeeze your glutes at the top of the motion. Pause, and then return to the starting position.